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Here are some frequently asked questions about our services:

What is grout restoration?

Grout restoration is the process of removing and redoing the grout in between tiles. Over time, grout can become discolored, stained or damaged due to frequent foot traffic, mopping, wear and tear, moisture, and other factors. Grout restoration can bring your floors back to their original, like-new condition by restoring the grout and applying a protective sealant.

When should I have my grout restored?

Grout restoration depends on a number of factors, including the amount of foot traffic on your floors, the type of tile and grout you have, and how well you maintain your floors. However, if you notice that your grout is discolored, cracked, or otherwise damaged, it may be time to have it restored asap. It’s also a good idea to have your grout inspected by a professional if you’re not sure whether it needs to be restored or not.

I am a new home owner. Do I need grout restoration?

While it’s not always necessary to have grout restoration services for a new home, many of our customers still choose to have their grout restored for a variety of reasons. For example, some new homes may have been vacant for a while and the grout may have become discolored or stained. Or the developer did not a do a good job with the grouting and your tiles are not even, have stains already or even the colour of the tiles and grouting do not match!

Additionally, some customers may simply want to ensure that their grout is properly sealed from Day 1 and protected from future damage. Typical tiling contractors do not use grout sealants and that’s why your grouting looks black even as early as 3 months of living in your home!

Grout restoration can also be a good investment for new homeowners who want to maintain the value and condition of their home. Ultimately, the decision to have grout restoration services for a new home is up to the customer and their personal preferences.

My existing house is old. Do I need grout restoration?

If your existing house is old, it’s highly possible that your grouts need restoration. Over time, grout can become discolored, cracked, or damaged due to wear and tear, moisture, and other factors. Damaged grout will also introduce water issues if not sealed properly. If you notice any of these signs, it’s a good idea to have your grout inspected by a professional. Grout restoration can bring your floors back to their original, like-new condition by removing stains, repairing cracks, and applying a protective sealant. If you’re unsure whether your grout needs to be restored, we can assess the condition of your floors and provide recommendations accordingly.

Can I clean my grout myself?

While there are many DIY grout cleaning products and methods available, it’s important to be careful when attempting to restore grout yourself. Some harsh cleaning chemicals can damage your grout or tiles, and improper techniques can make the problem worse. Professional grout restoration services are recommended for the best results.

How long does grout restoration take?

The length of time it takes to restore grout depends on the size of the area being treated and the extent of the damage. However, most grout restoration jobs can be completed in a day or two.

Will grout restoration make my floors look brand new?

While grout restoration can certainly improve the appearance of your floors, it may not be able to completely restore them 100% to their original, like-new condition. However, it can remove stains, repair cracks, and improve the overall look and feel of your floors.

Can you match my existing color of my grout?

Yes. Grout Shield has numerous color sealers for all sanded and un-sanded types grout. You can have any color you wish. Even under the best conditions, even new grout has different shades. We simply match the color you desire to insure a consistent shade of grout color. Our color sealer absorbs into the pores of your grout for a long lasting/uniform finish.

I'm curious, why did my grout in my newly renovated home become so soiled in the first's only a few months old? Rarely do tile installers seal grout. Why?

Most Tiles Installers in Malaysia do not seal grout after tiling work completed as it is not an industry practice for the last few decades and they deem it as not cost effective and time consuming. All type of sanded and unsanded grout are porous and it can easily attract dirt, stain and mold in our humid environment.. When you start mopping your floor, dirty mop water will finds its way into the grout pores and you will find it difficult to clean it.

Is grout restoration safe for my pets and children?

Yes, grout restoration is safe for pets and children. Our technicians use only the best products and techniques to ensure that your floors are safe for everyone in your home.

Will the process damage my tiles?

No, the grout restoration process is designed to be safe for your tiles. Our technicians use only the best products and techniques to ensure that your floors look their best and stay that way for years to come.

Do I need to prepare my floors before the technician arrives?

No, our technicians will take care of everything. However, if there are any large pieces of furniture that need to be moved, we ask that you move them prior to our arrival.

How much does grout restoration costs?

The cost of grout restoration can vary depending on a number of factors, including the size of the area being restored, the extent of the damage or staining, the type of tile and grout being restored, and the location of the project. Generally, the cost of grout restoration is less expensive than completely replacing the tile and grout. However, the cost can still range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, depending on the scope of the project. Many of our customers love our services as they feel the cost of grout restoration is often a low-cost worthwhile investment to maintain the appearance and value of their floors!

Do arrange for a free site survey from us so that we can give you an accurate estimate of the cost for your specific project.